Где купить Ibsen henrik hedda gabler and other

цена Ibsen Henrik Hedda Gabler and Other Plays

Ibsen Henrik Hedda Gabler and Other Plays

Four of Ibsen's most important plays in superb modern translations, part of the new Penguin Ibsen series. In these four unforgettably intense plays, Henrik Ibsen explores the complex nature of truth, the tension between freedom and responsibility, and the terrible pull that the past exerts over the present. In The Wild Duck, an idealist destroys a
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Акционная цена 3101 руб.
цена Ibsen Henrik Nora oder Ein Puppenheim. Hedda Gabler

Ibsen Henrik Nora oder Ein Puppenheim. Hedda Gabler

Henrik Ibsen war seiner Zeit weit voraus. Bis heute sind die starken Frauen seiner Stucke begehrte Schauspielrollen: Nora, die ihre Ehe verlasst, als sie begreift, dass ihr Leben einem goldenen Kafig gleicht; Hedda Gabler, die sich in ihrem biederen Heim erschie?t, damit »eine freiwillige Tat des Muts in dieser Welt geschehen kann«. Ibsens Dramen,
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Акционная цена 2238 руб.
цена Ibsen Henrik Four Plays

Ibsen Henrik Four Plays

The plays of Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) are critically acclaimed throughout the world. The father of modern drama, Ibsen broke with theatrical conventions and created a more realistic form of drama that used the stage as a forum for debating social problems, notably the rights of the individual, and the damaging effects of
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Акционная цена 749 руб.
цена Ibsen Henrik Ghosts and Other Plays

Ibsen Henrik Ghosts and Other Plays

With three plays focusing on the family and how it struggles to stay together by telling lies - and exposing them, Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts and Other Plays is translated with an introduction by Peter Watts in Penguin Classics. In Ghosts, Osvald Alving returns home only to discover the truth about the father he always looked up to, and learns the
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Акционная цена 3101 руб.
цена Ibsen Henrik A Doll's House and Other Plays

Ibsen Henrik A Doll's House and Other Plays

'Our home has never been anything other than a play-house. I've been your doll-wife here, just as at home I was Daddy's doll-child' These four plays established Ibsen as the leading figure in the theatre of his day, sending shockwaves throughout Europe and beyond. A Doll's House scandalized audiences with its free-thinking heroine Nora. Ibsen's
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Акционная цена 1893 руб.
цена Ibsen Henrik Peer Gynt and Brand

Ibsen Henrik Peer Gynt and Brand

A new Penguin edition of Ibsen's two great verse plays, in masterful versions by one of our greatest living poets, Geoffrey Hill. These two powerful and contrasting verse dramas by Ibsen made his reputation as a playwright. The fantastical adventures of the irrepressible Peer Gynt - poet, idler, procrastinator, seducer - draw on Norwegian folklore
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Акционная цена 3103 руб.
цена Ibsen Henrik Peer Gynt

Ibsen Henrik Peer Gynt

Генрик Ибсен - известный норвежский драматург, поэт и публицист XIX века, создатель "новой драмы". "Пер Гюнт" - одна из самых популярных пьес в мировой драматургии, продолжающая вдохновлять многих деятелей культуры на создание произведений по её мотивам. Хвастливый фантазёр Пер Гюнт живёт подобно эгоистичному троллю, прозябая в мечтах стать царём
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Акционная цена 1013 руб.
цена Ibsen Henrik A Doll's House

Ibsen Henrik A Doll's House

First published in 1879, A Doll's House rewrote the rules of drama. Henrik Ibsen's biographer, Halvdan Koht, wrote that the play "exploded like a bomb into contemporary life... [pronouncing] a death sentence on accepted social ethics" and its author was decried as "an obscene defiler of the purity of the home". Before Ibsen, tragedies examined the
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Акционная цена 817 руб.
цена Ibsen Henrik A Doll's House

Ibsen Henrik A Doll's House

Генрик Ибсен - легендарный норвежский драматург, поэт и публицист XIX века, создатель "новой драмы". "Кукольный дом" - одна из самых известных пьес Ибсена в мировой драматургии. Обычная квартира, в которой проживает, на первый взгляд, обычная семья, оказывается кукольным домом. Но, если есть куклы, значит, должен быть и кукловод? Кто он? Мужчина
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Акционная цена 976 руб.
цена Ibsen Henrik A Doll's House

Ibsen Henrik A Doll's House

At first glance, Nora Helmer appears to live the perfect life. She is married to the ambitious banker Torvald and is well provided for. But when she is blackmailed by one of her husband's colleagues, she is forced to re-examine her life along with her role as a frivolous, scatter-brained wife. First published in 1879, A Doll's House scandalized
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Акционная цена 1108 руб.
цена Ibsen Henrik Peer Gynt. Et dukkehjem. Vildanden

Ibsen Henrik Peer Gynt. Et dukkehjem. Vildanden

Перед вами три пьесы классика норвежской и европейской драматургии Генрика Ибсена. Они выдержали множество театральных постановок и экранизаций по всему миру, а "Пер Гюнт" знаком многим русским читателям с детства. Пьесы Ибсена, написанные в разное время, показывают эволюцию норвежского языка. После того как Норвегия получила независимость от Дании
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Акционная цена 1154 руб.
цена Джинсы Madewell Drapey Super Wide Leg Jeans in Gabler Wash, цвет Gabler Wash

Джинсы Madewell Drapey Super Wide Leg Jeans in Gabler Wash, цвет Gabler Wash

Бренд: MadewellЦвет: Gabler Wash
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Акционная цена 15056 руб.
цена Masterpieces of Russian Literature (Шедевры русской литературы). На английском языке

Masterpieces of Russian Literature (Шедевры русской литературы). На английском языке

Features Five Great Short Stories by Chekhov, Dostoyevsky's Notes from the Underground, The Overcoat and Other Short Stories by Gogol, Pushkin's The Queen of Spades and Other Stories, The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Short Stories by Tolstoy, Fathers and Sons by Turgenev, and Gorky's Chelkash and Other Stories.
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Акционная цена 693 руб.
цена Cameron Neill Freddy vs. School

Cameron Neill Freddy vs. School

Freddy is a superhero robot...stuck in school. Most robots get to build cars and save the world. But Freddy's mom says he has to go to school and learn stuff the human way. The only problem is that it's really hard to be human. And when he breaks the rules too many times, Principal Javid is forced to create a robotic code of conduct: No
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Акционная цена 1580 руб.
цена Tolstoy Leo How Much Land Does a Man Need?

Tolstoy Leo How Much Land Does a Man Need?

A pair of short stories about greed, charity, life and death from one of Russia's most influential writers and thinkers. Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguin's 80th birthday. Little Black Classics celebrate the huge range and diversity of Penguin Classics, with books from around the world and across many centuries. They take us
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Акционная цена 278 руб.