Где купить Rousseau jean jacques the essential

цена Rousseau Jean-Jacques The Essential Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Rousseau Jean-Jacques The Essential Writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

'Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains' is the dramatic opening line of The Social Contract, published in 1762. Quoted by politicians and philosophers alike, the power of this sentence continues to resonate. It laid the groundwork for both the American and French Revolutions, and is considered a foundational text in the development of
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Акционная цена 3145 руб.
цена Rousseau Jean-Jacques The Confessions

Rousseau Jean-Jacques The Confessions

Widely regarded as the first modern autobiography, The Confessions is an astonishing work of acute psychological insight. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-78) argued passionately against the inequality he believed to be intrinsic to civilized society. In his Confessions he relives the first fifty-three years of his radical life with vivid immediacy -
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Акционная цена 2862 руб.
цена Rousseau Jean-Jacques The Social Contract

Rousseau Jean-Jacques The Social Contract

With an Introduction by Derek Matravers. In The Social Contract Rousseau (1712-1778) argues for the preservation of individual freedom in political society. An individual can only be free under the law, he says, by voluntarily embracing that law as his own. Hence, being free in society requires each of us to subjugate our desires to the interests
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Акционная цена 1829 руб.
цена Rousseau Jean-Jacques The Social Contract

Rousseau Jean-Jacques The Social Contract

"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains" This is the first line of Rousseau's seminal work of political philosophy, a treatise that would go on trainspire revolutions in America and France and make governments across the world question what legitimacy really meant. The idea of the "social contract" is just as powerful today as when
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Акционная цена 1194 руб.
цена Rousseau Jean-Jacques Du contrat social

Rousseau Jean-Jacques Du contrat social

Pour nous aussi, la doctrine de Rousseau ne saurait etre un simple objet de curiosite erudite ou d'interet purement philologico-historique. Elle apparait au contraire, pour peu qu'on ne se contentat point d'en considerer les resultats et qu'on se plongeat dans ses tout premiers presupposes, comme une problematique vivante et tres contemporaine. Les
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Акционная цена 625 руб.
цена Rousseau Jean-Jacques A Discourse on Inequality

Rousseau Jean-Jacques A Discourse on Inequality

In A Discourse on Inequality Rousseau sets out to demonstrate how the growth of civilization corrupts man’s natural happiness and freedom by creating artificial inequalities of wealth, power and social privilege. Contending that primitive man was equal to his fellows, Rousseau believed that as societies become more sophisticated, the strongest and
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Акционная цена 2179 руб.
цена Rousseau Jean-Jacques Reveries du promeneur solitaire

Rousseau Jean-Jacques Reveries du promeneur solitaire

Lorsqu’il commence a ecrire les Reveries a l’automne 1776, Rousseau est un vieil homme proche de la mort, presque pauvre, celebre dans toute l’Europe et pourtant assure que l’espece humaine le rejette. Il continue cependant d’ecrire et les Reveries sont a ses yeux la suite des Confessions. Mais il ne s’agit plus desormais de raconter sa vie ni de
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Акционная цена 784 руб.
цена Rousseau Jean-Jacques Les Confessions. Tome 1

Rousseau Jean-Jacques Les Confessions. Tome 1

Ces six premiers livres sont le recit de formation du jeune Jean-Jacques, orphelin de mere et fils d’un modeste horloger genevois. Nous retrouvons ici les scenes fameuses que Rousseau a choisies pour nous donner a lire sa nature veritable : la fessee de Mlle Lambercier, le ruban vole, la rencontre avec Mme de Warens, mere et maitresse tout
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Акционная цена 1054 руб.
цена Rousseau Jean-Jacques Les Confessions. Tome 2

Rousseau Jean-Jacques Les Confessions. Tome 2

Solitaire desormais detache du monde, le Rousseau de ces six derniers livres est toujours en quete de son Moi, mais un autre combat le mobilise aussi : comme les editions pirates de ses livres ont forge a ses yeux une fausse idee de sa personne, c’est a se rehabiliter qu’il vise ici, dans une tentative desesperee pour dessiner et imposer sa vraie
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Акционная цена 1674 руб.
цена Rousseau Jean-Jacques Of The Social Contract and Other Political Writings

Rousseau Jean-Jacques Of The Social Contract and Other Political Writings

'Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains.' These are the famous opening words of a treatise that has stirred vigorous debate ever since its first publication in 1762. Rejecting the view that anyone has a natural right to wield authority over others, Rousseau argues instead for a pact, or 'social contract', that should exist between all
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Акционная цена 2298 руб.
цена Rousseau Jean-Jacques Discours sur les sciences et les arts

Rousseau Jean-Jacques Discours sur les sciences et les arts

En 1749, l’Academie de Dijon met au concours la question suivante : Si le retablissement des sciences et des arts a contribue a epurer les m?urs. Alors qu’il va rendre visite a Diderot prisonnier a Vincennes, Rousseau feuillette le Mercure de France qui publie la question : « Si jamais quelque chose a ressemble a une inspiration subite, ecrira-t-il
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Акционная цена 540 руб.
цена O`Grady Jane Enlightenment Philosophy In A Nutshell

O`Grady Jane Enlightenment Philosophy In A Nutshell

From Descartes’ famous line ‘I think therefore I am’ to Kant’s fascinating discussions of morality, the thinkers of the Enlightenment have helped to shape the modern world. Addressing such important subjects as the foundations of knowledge and the role of ethics, the theories of these philosophers continue to have great relevance to our lives.
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Акционная цена 2715 руб.
цена Rousseau Jean-Jacques Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes

Rousseau Jean-Jacques Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes

La plus dure et la pire des contraintes qu’exerce la societe reside dans cette puissance qu’elle acquiert non seulement sur nos actions exterieures, mais aussi sur tous nos mouvements interieurs, sur nos pensees et nos jugements. Ce pouvoir entame toute forme d’autonomie, de liberte et d’originalite de jugement ; ce n’est plus nous qui pensons et
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Акционная цена 1206 руб.
цена Jean Paul Gaultier Classique For Women Eau De Toilette 100ML

Jean Paul Gaultier Classique For Women Eau De Toilette 100ML

Jean-Paul Gaultier Classique is an Oriental Floral fragrance for women. The Start notes are Star Anise, Orange Blossom, Rose, Pear, Bergamot amp Mandarin Orange. The heart notes are Ginger, Plum, Iris, Ylang-Ylang, Orchid amp Tuberose. The endnotes are Amber, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Musk amp Sandalwood. The perfume was launched in 1993. The perfumer
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Акционная цена 0 руб.
цена Cornelia Stabenow. Henri Rousseau

Cornelia Stabenow. Henri Rousseau

Henri Rousseau (1844-1910) was a clerk in the Paris customs service who dreamed of becoming a famous artist. At the age 49, he decided to give it a try. At first, Rousseau's bright, bold paintings of jungles and exotic flora and fauna were dismissed as childish and simplistic, but his unique and tenacious style soon won acclaim. After 1886, he
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Акционная цена 2450 руб.